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Why you can sleep under peepal tree | Peepal Tree | KNOW SCIENCE

  The peepal tree is one of the most worshipped trees of India. In our holy books like Vedas , the peepal tree is considered a holy tree, along with tulsi and Ashoka.  It is also holy for Buddhism as Gautam Buddha attained enlightenment under this tree.  It is said to root represent Hindu god Brahma, the trunk represents Lord Vishnu and the leaves of the tree represent Lord shiva.  In the Bhagavad Gita , Krishna says, "I am the Peepal tree among the trees, Narada among the sages, Chitraaratha among the Gandharvas, And sage Kapila among the Siddhas." Peepal Tree Family: Moraceae Another name: Bodhi Tree, Sacred fig, Pippala tree, Binomial name :  Ficus religiosa Source: Flickr Peepal is used in l medicine for about fifty types of disorders including asthma, diabetes, diarrhea, epilepsy, gastric problems, inflammatory disorders, infectious and sexual disorders. Why sleeping under peepal tree is best than sleeping under other trees? Generally, Plants produce glucose and oxyge

Scientist Discovered New force | A Violation of the Standard model - know science


Scientists Are excited because they might have caught a glimpse of something altogether new. New research shows there is a hidden force in nature. Last week scientists at LHC (Switzerland) tweeted that they found a new force.


The current theory that best describes the nature of particles is called the Standard Model. 

It is the unification of three of the four fundamental forces of nature. Since the 1960s, the Standard Model has stood several tests of time. Using this theory, scientists predicted the existence of the Higgs boson (God particle). It took more than 40 years and $13.25 billion to search for this exotic particle. The last missing piece of the Standard Model, the Higgs boson was discovered in 2012. 

However, this model is not the final word on the composition of the universe. It does not account for dark matter and dark energy that make up 96% of the observable universe. Hence, the goal of the LHC at CERN is to search for physics beyond the Standard Model. And now, Scientists have observed yet another unusual phenomenon in physics. 

The Standard Model of Particles

To understand this exciting discovery, there are two things you must know: Quarks & Leptons.

Quarks are the smallest particles in nature. There are six quarks in the Standard Model. Different combinations of these quarks make up other particles, such as protons. Then we have Leptons. There are six leptons in the Standard Model. The famous is the electron that orbits the atomic nucleus inside an atom. Other leptons are muon, tau, and three types of neutrinos

There are several ways in which composite particles can decay into other fundamental particles. 

The scientists were studying the decay of a particle that contains the beauty quarks. The decay of these particles called the B meson has shaken the scientists at CERN. It was expected that B-meson would decay into an electron and a muon with equal probability. However, scientists found that nature favors the decay into electrons more than muons. 

There might be a hidden force that is hindering the decay of the B-meson into muons. If it turns out to be accurate, then this will break the law of lepton universality. And it will be another evidence against the Standard Model. 


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