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Why you can sleep under peepal tree | Peepal Tree | KNOW SCIENCE

  The peepal tree is one of the most worshipped trees of India. In our holy books like Vedas , the peepal tree is considered a holy tree, along with tulsi and Ashoka.  It is also holy for Buddhism as Gautam Buddha attained enlightenment under this tree.  It is said to root represent Hindu god Brahma, the trunk represents Lord Vishnu and the leaves of the tree represent Lord shiva.  In the Bhagavad Gita , Krishna says, "I am the Peepal tree among the trees, Narada among the sages, Chitraaratha among the Gandharvas, And sage Kapila among the Siddhas." Peepal Tree Family: Moraceae Another name: Bodhi Tree, Sacred fig, Pippala tree, Binomial name :  Ficus religiosa Source: Flickr Peepal is used in l medicine for about fifty types of disorders including asthma, diabetes, diarrhea, epilepsy, gastric problems, inflammatory disorders, infectious and sexual disorders. Why sleeping under peepal tree is best than sleeping under other trees? Generally, Plants produce glucose and oxyge

Impacts Of Microgravity on Human body | Is Space Travelling is safe for Astronauts ? - know science

 What is microgravity?

Microgravity, astronuts, impacts of microgravity on human body

It is a condition when objects appear to be weightless. That doesn't mean that there is zero gravity in space. Gravity acts upon all objects. Why we need to study "Microgravity" so far? Astronauts on Internation space station work in such an environment for long period. The station orbits the planet every 90 minutes, moving at more than 17000 miles per hour. As a result, astronauts onboard live in a constant state of free falling, or weightlessness. That that is called "Microgravity".

Researchers also trying to find different ways to manufacture the product taking advantage of such an environment. In July of 2019, SpaceX's CRS 18 launched with many research projects including an investigation being conducted by Goodyear and Adidas.

But Microgravity negatively affects on human body too. Here is a list of some impacts of microgravity on the human body.

  • It may possible that your bones and muscles break down too.
  • The bone density drops 1% per month on the Internation space station.
  • Astronauts say, "They have to work out every day to halt the bone loss and muscle atrophy.
  • And you have to pee a lot as fluids pool in the body, making it into thinking it's carrying too much water.
  • Microgravity also affects eye vision.
  • Study shows it also affects on the function of T-cells.

Microgravity, astronuts, impacts of microgravity on human body, scott kelly
Scott Kelly

In 2016, astronaut Scott Kelly returned to earth after nearly a year from the International space station. But when he came back he was 2 inches taller.

To keep astronauts safe, NASA studies Microgravity to learn its impacts on the human body. 


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Why you can sleep under peepal tree | Peepal Tree | KNOW SCIENCE

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