Unfortunately, people think of bacteria in negative terms. And it is obvious as it has been supported by media and soap and detergent advertising firms. But scientists now focusing on how bacteria affect the biology of plants.
Scientists found some specific type of bacteria that live on plants like dry areas. These types of bacteria encourage important crops to grow through high temperatures or drought.
With the help of these bacteria, plants survive exposure to excessive heat and high salt levels. "These microorganisms could be greenest ways to help sustainable agriculture", said Shekhawat. In a study they have conducted, they focused on SA187, a microbe that lives in the roots of the plant called Indigofera argentea. The scientists planted wheat seeds coated with SA187 along with uncoated seeds. After six days, the crops were exposed to 44 degree Celsius heat for two hours.
As the result, normal seeds stopped growing, and also damaged and coated seeds remained unaffected by heat.
The scientist also planted the wheat for experimental purposes for several years in Dubai. The temperature remains mores than 46 free celsius in Dubai. But treated plants withstood the heat and yield 20 to 50 percent more wheat.
Further investigation shows bacteria affected the gene of plants. Bacteria generate metabolites, which are converted into ethylene (plant hormone) which can help the plant to survive from excessive heat.
Source: KAUST
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